Showing posts with label Various. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Various. Show all posts

Friday, 6 December 2024

Fred Und Luna (aka Rainer Buchmüller) passed away on the 8th Februry this year so it's with some sadness that Vol. 3 of his 'Future Sounds Of Kraut' is a posthumous release but then, it's also a fitting tribute too!

And whilst we don't want to dwell on the sad circumstances, the best of the 14 tracks (3 being exclusive and previously unreleased) feature Fred und Luna; the opener 'Der Allgemeine Tenore' and the disco-jazz friendly 'Water Map' featuring the 'free' Organza Ray.

But like Vols 1 & 2, this is all the what you' ad expect from modern kraut-electronica that 
can be traceed by to the originators Tangerene Dream, Kraftwerk, Neu! Cluster, Klaus Schulze and loads more and if you like, ENO (Ed. controversial).

And if modern is 2023, Philipp Johann Thimm's 'Meine Muse' as reworked "for The Düsseldorf Düsterboys" is probably the most Kraut on the album in that it's glichy, techno with an undercurrent of folky Stereolab.

Compare with a more trad.Kraftwerk. 'Zum Schmalen Handtuch' (Niklas Wandt) in German and 'Lambda' (Von Spar) in English, the synth/drum fest. 'Nachtraucher' (Christian Nainggolan) that sounds like a stream train from space and then an actual 'Space Taxi' (Sula Bassana) with a swarm of bees.

For a 14 track compilation, you might think they'd be a couple of duff tracks, but not in this case possibly because it is hard to define what is Kraut [musically], ever lone the future sounds of the past electronic innovatons of 70s/80s meets tradition and culture of 60s hippy commune / improviations / squats to world percussion of today.  If you were going to push me, the duo called Twonky comes closest with a track called 'Dream Is Impossible'; oh, and a close second, get some post-punk disco 'Wer Macht Die Arbeit' by Savage Art 

So what you do get in Vol. 3 is a further education of what the previous editions brought to our attention and thankfully Fred und Luna was able to confirm these selections (along with ideas for a Vol. 4) before he passed as he was happy that Compost release this 'Sign Of Life' from him.

As on Vol. 1 and 2, the collage on the cover was designed exclusively by the fantastic artist Norika Nienstedt from the Kraut metropolis of Düsseldorf.

Various - Future Sounds Of Kraut Vol. 2 Compiled by Fred und Luna (see review HERE)

Various - Future Sounds Of Kraut Vol. 1 Compiled by Fred und Luna (see review HERE)

I think we should repeat Compost Record's press statement: "We are deeply saddened that we lost a very close friend, a true creative musician, artist , poet, soulmate and beloved human being with a great sense of humour. Rainer Buchmüller aka Fred und Luna died after a long carcinosis. Our thoughts and prayers in these days of mourning are with his wife and family. Rainer Buchmüller aka Fred und Luna has made several albums, first one on Frank Wiedemann’s Bigamo label, then three albums plus several Maxi - Singles and 7 inches on Compost Records and Elaste Records. Rainer had several alter egos, too. Under his Fred und Luna moniker he recently compiled the highly acclaimed “Future Sounds Of Kraut” compilation series for Compost. Rainer also wrote circa 120 poems in the vein of Ernst Jandl, Dada, Kurt Schwitters. Rainer, we love you! R.I.P."

Artist: Various Artists
Title: Future Sounds Of Kraut Vol. 3 compiled by Fred und Luna
Release date: 6th December, 2024
Label: Compost Records
Cat. No: CPT 645
Format: 2xLP / Digital LINKS / Bandcamp

Friday, 25 August 2023

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Twenty years ago you'd probably find Jean-Cluade Thompson in this shop in Soho, If Music..., thinking about what to put on his compilation 'You Need This'

As well known then as 50% of The Amalgamation Of Soundz, who'd have thought a couple of decades on that they'd be a double LP (180g heavy vinyl at 45rpm) and digital release of a retrospecitive celebrating why we need 'You Need This'.

As the ninth in the series, regular fans will not be surprised that the 9 selections are a varied and eclectic mix.

There's some old favourites like Emanative (with Liz Elensky) and Tenderlonious (22a) ironically each with exclusive tracks for this compilation plus Emanative's mate, Tamar Osborn (from this Rocketnumbernine release,  coincidently 20 years ago, in 2013) and Sarathy Korwar; 'Speed Of Light' being one of the highlights of the album.

So you might be thinking this all sounds very progressive Café OTO (tin rendy Dalston), JC is known as someone who can dig out a vinyl - and boy! has he found one with the jazzy Christine Schaller's 'Fidji' from 1980 [what a tune that is for all WeOutHere type festivals] and you won't be surprised that a track called 'Turkish Showbiz' could have appeared on Batov's 'Middle Eastern Grooves' compilation.

It really is a odd that including tracks by French sax player Sylvain Kassap, Greetje Bijma Kwintet (really cool world track, 'big Kalimba' fit in with something so simply beautiful as Ola Szmidt's minimal 'We Are Not Invisible'.

As you can tell, we this that 'You Need This' and all the others in the series.

Artist: Various Artists
Title: You Need This: If Music Is 20 compiled by Jean-Claude
Release date: 25th August, 2023
Label : BBE Music
Catalog Number : BBE711 
Format : Vinyl / Digital / Bandcamp