Thursday 6 June 2024

Posted by Gerry Hectic | File under : , , ,

Did you really think Be Adult Music's release following Baron Ashler's 'The End Of Pangea' would be just as good? Well, it is and you'll love it!

You may have spotted David with a couple of tracks on their sister label, Be Adult Weapons, but this is he first 2-track EP release.  

Both tracks are dreamy rollers; 'I Need Your Love' and 'Thinking About' are quite dubby.

The artwork deserves a 12" sleeve and don't  forget to get 'The End Of Pangea' (see review HERE) which is a great companion release too.

I will need your love is Pangea is close to the end.

Artist: David Ol
Title: I Need Your Love
Release date: 6th June, 2024
Label: Be Adult Music
Catalog Number: BAM365


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